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Bancroft-Rosalie Public Schools

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Pollination experts?

Recently the second grade class partook in a special science unit taught by Mrs. Nottlemann.

The group studied pollination for six days and were introduced to various topics such as what pollination is, the importance of it and specific pollination jargon. Technology was incorporated with part of each lesson on Canvas, an app on their iPads.

The unit was designed around two activities: growing their own seeds and building a pollination machine. Students were given lima beans to place in a Ziploc bag and hang in the window to see if they would grow. After not seeing any results, students concluded that the cold temperature was probably to blame.

On the last day, students were given a box full of art materials to create a pollination machine that would be able to spread seeds. Once the students had their creation come to life, they were able to actually try their inventions out. 

Overall, the class had a great time and cannot wait to have Mrs. Nottlemann come back again!

Pollination experts?

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