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Bancroft-Rosalie Public Schools

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'Blast Off'

After a trial last school year and during summer school, Bancroft-Rosalie is now participating in the Launch curriculum.

B-R Superintendent Dr. Jon Cerny taught a unit called "Disease Detectives" to the fifth grade, and during enrichment summer school, Mrs. Mindy Nottlemann taught three units of Launch (Robotics and computer science) to grades 3-6 and two units to grades K-2.

"I like the Launch curriculum. It is centered around students solving problems and introduces them to the career areas of Health Science, Computer Science and Engineering," Cerny said.

B-R was awarded a $10,000 Monsato grant to purchase the Launch materials and is waiting to hear if it received a Title IV grant to help pay for the instructor. An official presentation will be made during the halftime of Friday night's football game.

The Launch curriculum has four units for each grade K-5 (one unit per quarter). Each unit takes 8-10 hours to complete, and Mrs. Nottlemann will teach the Launch curriculum to students in grades K-5. Mrs. Virginia Frisch went through the Launch Lead Teacher training in the summer of 2016 which enabled the school to have access to the Launch curriculum modules.

Among other things, several units center around robotics and automation, and energy collisions.

'Blast Off'

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