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Bancroft-Rosalie Public Schools

School Spotlight


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Staff Spotlight



Daniel Bridges


How many years have you been teaching here?:  

Started in July 2012....so what is that now? 10 years ðŸ˜¯


What is your favorite thing about B-R?: 

The number of opportunities offered to our kids, both in the classroom and extracurricular, that students in most rural schools our size do not have access to experience. This focus on this starts from the top with our administration always looking for new and better ways to prepare our students for their future success. 


Who is your favorite Disney character? 

Live Action Character: Captain Jack Sparrow

Animated Character: King Louie


What is your favorite food?

Fried Chicken


What's your favorite place to visit? 

Anywhere in Puerto Rico. ¡Wepa!


What is your favorite season?:  



Random fact about yourself: 

Met John Beasley at a grocery store in Omaha once.